Unity IOS BLE 컴파일 환경 구성

ZEROWIN.ART 2020. 12. 8. 09:59



[ iOS ] Library 참조 시 ARC 오류 해결하기

필요에 따라 라이브러리를 참고할 경우 ARC가 적용되기 이전 라이브러리일 경우 에러가 발생한다. AR...



IOS 라이브러리 추가하는 방법


The example code is detailed in the section above.
Editor Preprocessor
The Editor folder contains a preprocessor script that adds some required values to the plist.info file in the final Xcode project file.
CoreBluetooth Framework
In order to use Bluetooth Low Energy in an iOS app you must link your app with the CoreBluetooth framework library. This is done in Xcode and not in Unity. After you have built your app in Unity and opened the project in Xcode follow these steps to add the CoreBluetooth framework library:
1. Show the Project Navigator (upper left of tool panel the folder icon).
2. Select the Unity-iPhone Project at the top of the list. This will show the
settings panel in the middle of the screen which has: General, Capabilities,
Info, Build Settings, Build Phases and Build Rules.
3. Select the Build Phases
4. If it is not open already, open the Link Binary With Libraries section.
5. If CoreBluetooth is not in the list then click on the + symbol at the bottom of
the list.

Bundle Indentifier in Unity


Unity Compile

수정된 c# 코드

Command + B 핫키를 이용하여 수정된 c# 코드를 수정한다.