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피시와 USB Serial 연결합니다.
- Programmer: ST-Link V2
- Programming Inteface: JTAG/SWD
- You should use Serial assistance software to check output if the examples use serial print. OpenH743I-C integrate CP2102 chip on board, you just need to connect USART1 interface to PC by USB cable, and remove the OTG_JMP jumper, hereafter will no longer describe this setting。
- The parameters of serial port should be: (Serial assistant software)
Baud rateData bitStop bitParity bitFlow Ctl
115200 |
8 |
1 |
None |
None |
【Note】You should pres reset button to run the code after programming.
소스코드에서 printf 함수를 이용하여 디버그합니다.
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